Article reference:

J. Brender, J. Talmon, M. Egmont-Petersen, T. Schiøler, P. McNair, "KAVAS's framework for quality assessment of medical knowledge," In: S. Andreassen, R. Engelbrecht, J. Wyatt (Eds.), Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, IOS press, Amsterdam, pp. 421-424, 1993.


The KAVAS framework for assessment of semantic aspects of knowledge is outlined. It is composed of a set of orthogonal perspectives (each containing several concepts), of which a subset will be presented. Although it was designed for the assessment of Knowledge-Based Systems in medicine, it is generally applicable. It has close relation with the work item 2.10 of CEN/TC251/WG2, named "Certification of KBS development and evaluation".

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